
Here at the SIA (Spiritual Intelligence Agency), we are just getting started! That means there is a lot going on and an issue or two may arise. We want to answer your questions, so we are compiling them here as much as we can. If your question isn't shown below, email us at sia@atthechurch.tv!

  1. How does my child earn points?

    Many ways an agent earns points will require assistance from you as a parent or guardian. Click the button to learn more. How to earn points

  2. What is my child's username?

    The agent username is made up of two parts, each 3 letters (or less). It is the first three letters of your child's first name (not their nickname). Then the first three letters of their last name. This is according to the records which you use to check your child in. In some cases we only had their nickname and so we used something like CJ for their first two letters.
    Ex. John Doe has username JOHDOE

    If your child has pictures come up to enter a password, then the username is not their problem.

  3. What is my child's password?

    Most agents still have their default password because they only recently acquired the ability to change it.
    The default passwords are:

    • Preschool: Monkey & Blue
    • Lower Elementary: Magnifying Glass & Penguins
    • Upper Elementary: Fingerprint & Statue of Liberty
    If your child has changed their password, you can always check it or help them recover it by logging in as their parent and viewing your "My Agents" page. (Click the magnifying glass to the far right of their name)

  4. How do I get a parent account?

    If you would like to request a parent account, send an email to sia@atthechurch.tv with the name of your child or children in the body of the email.
    If the email address you use is not on file with the church you may receive a request to confirm your identity. You may also write the preferred email address on your child's debrief sheet along with your name (one per family is fine).

  5. My Child's information is incorrect

    Please email us at sia@atthechurch.tv with the correction. We have pulled the information used out of the software you use to check in your child each week. After emailing please verify the information when you check your child in the next weekend.

Still having issues? Email us at sia@atthechurch.tv