S.I.A. - Spiritual Intelligence Agency

What will your child experience at S.I.A.

Children experience Large Group, which includes worship, debriefing, the Bible lessons based on the Red Letter Teachings of Jesus, free time at the Training Grounds (Rock Climb Wall, Obstacles), The Lab (Craft Room), Game Room (Video games, Ping Pong, Foosball, Air Hockey), Control Room (Computers where they log in to see point status, scramble the code for the week, or play games), Break Room (Free play, Dance, etc.), decipher the evidence, game, and small Groups. A mission is assigned along with a memory verse each week for the children to complete at home.

What is it all about?


The Spiritual Intelligence Agency is designed to train up children in the Red Letter teachings of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to help children become Kingdom Agents as they speak and practice His life principles. Children are able to advance from recruits to Super Agent status according to earned points from a variety of learning opportunities. Our goal is to send children out as Super Agents to infiltrate the darkness of the world with the light of God.


The vision of theChurch S.I.A. Children’s Ministry is to produce a generation of children who know Jesus intimately and live by His teachings. Children are equipped to share the message of Christ with others and to grow His Kingdom on the earth.

What's Going on at the SIA?


A program that encourages children to grow in their knowledge of God, while equipping parents with step-by-step methods to accomplish the mission through website, curriculum, and videos. This program is fun and will challenge children to apply their spiritual knowledge in their everyday lives.

What should I do as a parent?

Parental Participation

What better way to minister to our children than to have them learn from the S.I.A. and YOU!! In addition to the activities at theChurch we want our parents to:

  • Pray with their children
  • Visit the S.I.A. Facebook page & this website
  • Compete in the 'Share a Scripture' competition.
  • 'Tithe' your time & evangelize for the kingdom
  • Help strengthen the church community
  • Be an example
  • Aid your agent in meeting the requirements to earn points
The S.I.A. program has both church and home activities that will expand our children's knowledge of God and our discipleship efforts. Weekly activities will become available online. A secret code for the week, pertaining to the children's weekend message, will be made available to enter online.

The curriculum will teach the knowledge of scripture to protect them from the temptation of sin.

Share a Scripture Competition

The "Share a Scripture" competition requires each family to tag a scripture to another church attender that is a word of wisdom or encouragement. There are prizes for the families that participate on a regular basis.

How do I participate?

  • Like the S.I.A. Facebook page
  • Tag a church attender with a Word/Scripture of encouragement or wisdom